In order to access your infinite potential, you have to know how to access the part of you that is infinite in nature. We think we have blocks around money, love, self-worth etc. but we only have ONE issue - our disconnection from soul. The Beyond Form coaching program is a roadmap to your the version of you that’s fully activated in your purpose, intuition and connection to the co-creative field.

Now available for as little as $91/month - Select “Pay In Full” to see your options at checkout.




  • know how to easily break through self-limiting patterns

  • heal hidden relationship blocks and call in more aligned love

  • know how to always access the wisdom you need

  • be able to live in your flow-state and emotional balance

  • be free from generational trauma & collective fear

  • be crystal-clear about your soul’s purpose and potential

  • have an unbreakable connection to your intuition

  • know how to continually align with your highest timeline

  • become your own source of intuitive guidance and healing

  • never have to consult a coach or course again!



  • feeling called to uplevel your career, financial flow or role as a leader

  • ready to step into the most expanded version of self

  • craving a clear connection to your intuition & the universe

  • a coach, healer or creative and want to better serve your community

  • in need of tools that work to finally shed sticky, outdated beliefs

  • an old soul ready to embody the manifestation power you know is within

  • wanting to attract authentically aligned people who support your visions

  • done investing in courses or coaches & ready to become your own guide

  • aware we all have a connection to higher intelligence and the co-creative field and just need the pathway to connect!

Literally within a week of moving through the Beyond Form Method and leaning into the resonance with my soul, I’m moving out of the apartment I’ve been feeling trapped in for years and into a dream space in the country. I’ve been “trying” to shift my beliefs and manifest this for years - I’m blown away by what’s possible when you learn how to manifest from your soul - it’s seriously magic! - Breanna


what you’ll learn - the module breakdown



here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside…



each Module includes…

  • Comprehensive workshop lessons (audio and video)

  • Guided breathwork for reprogramming, healing & insight 

  • Result-oriented meditations (ex: how to choose the highest path)

  • Channeled transmissions & energy activations

  • Step-by-step practices to embody everything you learn  

  • Workbook exercises 

  • Instructional videos & personal shares from Bree

  • Visual affirmation assets - think iPhone backgrounds, printed out & hung on your mirror, etc. 

  • Writing prompts

  • Access to a community group full of like-hearted souls

  • Monthly group coaching w/ guest teachers (topics include human design, branding, etc.)

Not sure if you’re ready to join?
See what OUR COMMUNITY hAS to say…



Affirm/Afterpay available on Pay In Full Option

- or 4 monthly payments of $390 -



  • This is for anyone who has a curiosity to learn, self-transform, strengthen their intuition and embody their purpose. This is an all-levels program that dives deep, but allows you to go at your own pace.

  • Yes, this is an open-enrollment course. The program is designed togo at your own pace and be a library of tools to pull from as you navigate life and continue on your path of personal expansion.

  • YES! In addition to receiving the 10+ hours of coaching calls Bree offered during the launch where she dives deeper into the material and answers student’s questions, there is live group coaching monthly! The calls are generally held on the last weekend of the month and we rotate times every month to accommodate different time zones (ex: 10am PST vs. 4pm PST). We’ve also started doing bonus calls with guest teachers covering topics like human design, branding, intuitive healing and more!

  • Yes! You’ll be given access to a community forum platform where you can meet, share and discuss the material and your experiences with others. This is an incredibly supportive, highly conscious group of like-hearted souls sharing insights, resources and support!

  • This is a go-at-your-own-pace program. You don’t have to do it in any certain order, but some of the concepts build on one another. We recommend taking at least one month per module to fully embody the material. We offer additional support in the program to help you create a calendar and accountability structure that works best for you!

    Beyond Form is designed so that you’re equipped to integrate the learning and choose your higher timelines as you move through your life. So although the course offers a massive amount of information, insight and guided practices to come back to you’ll be supported in making the necessary changes as “real life” comes up! Once completed, you’ll have a library of tools to pull from for literally any issue that arises to find the clarity and healing you need (relationships, creativity, letting go, emotional hardship, healing, etc.)!

  • After 1 year from your purchase date, you can re-purchase the program at a very low price or monthly rate to continue access and receive new bonus material and features that Bree is adding all the time!

  • Psychic Bootcamp focuses on nurturing and navigating your intuitive senses. If you’re looking to learn how to do readings (either for fun or start your side hustle!), Psychic Bootcamp may be a good choice.

    However, if you’re drawn to both programs, Bree suggests doing Beyond Form first. Beyond Form is much more comprehensive and it will help you de-layer blocks to accessing your innate intuition, abundance and flow. Beyond Form will set a strong foundation to then move forward with Psychic Bootcamp but please read both program descriptions again, and feel into which one resonates the most for you right now!

  • Yes! Bree opens scholarships annually. Last year we awarded over $75,000 worth of scholarships for both Beyond Form and Psychic Bootcamp! Please join the mailing list at the bottom of this page to be the first to hear about our next application process.


Still have questions? Please email us at